

ISSA Webinar: Let’s talk about OSH – Have you ever used smart glasses to create safer workplaces?

22 August 2023


As digitalization progresses, we are increasingly surrounded by smart technology. Over the last years, smart glasses have been tested and used in various areas and sectors. Applications for smart glasses include the logistics sector, construction industry, automotive sector and energy industry.
However, as with any new technology, there are still questions that need to be addressed. On the one hand, smart glasses offer the opportunity to make existing work processes more efficient and are said to have advantages over conventional equipment. On the other hand, the use of smart glasses can also create new risks for employees.

Register for this third webinar in the "Let's talk about OSH" series organized by the ISSA Special Commission on Prevention, which will shed light on both the scientific, and usage of smart glasses.

Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_pFX_x9RvQ6KiJnOxPmz9PA