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Activities Control Devices

  • detect and consider developments in the field of control devices at an early stage concerning safety and security of machines in a comprehensible and user-appropriate manner and promote qualified discussion between interested persons.
  • Seminars on functional safety and validation in 2023:
    • in Pune, India: September 25th – 26th
    • in Bangalore, India: September 27th – 28th

      The objective of the seminar was to give an overview of international standards for machinery safety and their application. These standards provide the basic technical rules for the design and use of safe machinery. The seminar was intended to transmit the participants the basic knowledge of these standards and their use in the industrial area. The seminar also showed practical application examples. The speakers gave information as experts involved in the standardization of machinery safety.

      The presentations of the seminar 2023 in Pune, India (September 25th/26th) and in Bangalore, India (September 27th/28th) can be downloaded under: https://www.safe-machines-at-work.org/control-devices/seminars-functional-safety-and-validation-in-india
  • The presentations of the seminar 2022 in Detroit, USA (May 23rd/24th) and in Toronto, Canada (May 26th/27th) can be downloaded under: https://www.safe-machines-at-work.org/control-devices/seminars-functional-safety-and-validation
  • take control devices (safety related parts of control systems) as an important element of machines into an integrated consideration
  • co-design the international standardization if possible and transfer new findings on an international level
  • elaborate a practical guideline to raise awareness for safety and security describing types and application of control devices (safety related parts of control systems): what kind of safety/ security measures has to be implemented in the control device (safety related parts of control systems) depends on the required risk reduction. A message for customers: make your networks safe. The manufacturers of components should give advise but will not be responsible.


Good examples from practice


Fluid Power Safety Requirements


Fluid Power Safety Assessment


Safe Return Dual Pressure Valves

Dear visitor,
if you also have a good example from practice, please send it to us.
Thank you


Dietrich Warmbier
ROSS Controls
Global Safety Product Manager
Langen, Germany

Members of the Project Group
October 2024

Safety Award 2025

The 2nd issue was started. Join us now.

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Seminars „Functional Safety and Validation“

Overview of international standards for machinery safety and their application

September 2023, India
Proceedings of the Seminars

May 2022, Detroit and Toronto
Proceedings of the Seminars
