
Upcoming Events

22 – 25 September 2024

Dresden, Germany

September 2024

WOS 2024: BUILDING A RESILIENT FUTURE - Towards sustainable safety in a rapidly changing world

Participate in the international conference Working on Safety (WOS) by submitting your abstracts!

The call for abstracts for the international…

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09 October 2024

Tulln, Austria, and hybrid

October 2024

Symposium “Safe & healthy 5.0: Focus on the digital world of work”

The Austrian Workers' Compensation Board (AUVA) cordially invites you to the symposium “Safe & healthy 5.0: Focus on the digital world of work” as…

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March 2025

International Conference on Safety and Innovation, organized by INAIL and Section MSS, March 2025

Call for Paper is open:

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Past events

14 October 2022 - New Westminster, British Columbia

27 – 28 October 2022 – virtuell

October 2022

What’s next? – beyond the new normal

Learn from the industry experts and business leaders who are sharping the future of workplace health and safety. In focus: The emerging risks and…

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25 - 28 September 2022 | Olháo, Portugal

September 2022

WOS2022net: Focus on Humans in a Technological World

WOS.net is an international network of decision makers, researchers and professionals responsible for the prevention of accidents and trauma at work.

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