
Upcoming Events

22 – 25 September 2024

Dresden, Germany

September 2024

WOS 2024: BUILDING A RESILIENT FUTURE - Towards sustainable safety in a rapidly changing world

Participate in the international conference Working on Safety (WOS) by submitting your abstracts!

The call for abstracts for the international…

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09 October 2024

Tulln, Austria, and hybrid

October 2024

Symposium “Safe & healthy 5.0: Focus on the digital world of work”

The Austrian Workers' Compensation Board (AUVA) cordially invites you to the symposium “Safe & healthy 5.0: Focus on the digital world of work” as…

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March 2025

International Conference on Safety and Innovation, organized by INAIL and Section MSS, March 2025

Call for Paper is open:

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Past events

9 July 2024


July 2024

ISSA Webinar: Let’s talk about OSH – Have you ever been harmed by a cyber-attack?

Increasingly industrial control systems depend on digital networks. IT security gaps in these complex systems can be attacked at any time.


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01 July 2024


July 2024

Webinars on "Digital manufacturing Research results from occupational safety and health"

How can artificial intelligence support the safety inspection of machines? What does the increasing digitalization of human-machine interaction mean…

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11 – 12 June 2024

Frankfurt am Main, Germany

June 2024

International Symposium ”Hazardous Substances in Maintenance Work: Risks and Prevention“

We welcome you to our symposium of the International Section of the ISSA for Prevention in the Chemical Industry, as part of ACHEMA…

On 11-12 June…

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4 – 6 June 2024

Innsbruck, Austria

June 2024

Forum Prevention

The Prevention Forum will once again place the organisational focus on the numerous national working groups. An international seminar and the…

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27 – 29 May, 2024

in Dresden, Germany

May 2024

International symposium "Cultural Diversity at Work - Safe and Healthy Integration of Skilled Workers”

What does safe and healthy cooperation look like in a culturally diverse workplace? The interaction between migration and occupational health and…

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